Saturday 6 March 2010


So for my second blog I open with a question. I did say I would be diverse in the subjects I blogged about and I have listed Tantra - The Yoga of Sex, as one subject I shall include. The art of sex without physical contact, but not today as I have only just started blogging and this is an important subject. In say a weeks time! Todays subject is the weather. Now I live on an Island of Eternal Spring - Tenerife - Canary Islands, and I find this business of climate change perplexing. Are we really concerned with a couple of degrees rise in temperature, well we should be. The foreword of one of my books mentioned the 'Big Bang' alluding to the start of the universe, or at least our part of it. I went on to mention that thirteen years ago the northern hemisphere of the world had a rise of eight degrees over ten years. The result was the great floods from the melting layer of ice which in some cases was 3,000 metres thick; the figures extreme in comparison to the present day problems but have we got the same problem. And as then do we need another Noah's Ark to save the populace? It would have to be larger than before. Is there an answer? There is an answer to all the current problems - reduce the population! No I don't want to bring in mass extermination - just stop producing too many people in future - a gradual slowing down of the consumption of the worlds resources by requiring less. Which brings us back to Tantra - Sex without Contact, practice that more often and the result should be less people. Another blog later this weekend.

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